All posts by Jason Reagan

I’m convinced – Coconut Oil Coffee BioHack Works

coconutWhen it comes to diet fads or biohacks, I approach each new claim or discovery with a degree of healthy skepticism. When Paleo diets became a thing a few years ago, I tiptoed through the various claims and “amazing online stories.” My interest was piqued.  After delving into the science a bit, I found that yes, the diet (modified to some degree for my personal lifestyle) helped me lose about 18 pounds and, when I follow it, I feel amazing (full-disclosure: I find Mark Sisson’s Primal Lifestyle approach works best for me since he’s willing to “show me the science”). Also, my blood tests have never been better.

So, in my ever-evolving quest for longevity, I recently cast my skeptical eye towards the Buzzword of the Moment: Coconut Oil.

As a regular reader of Mark’s Daily Apple, I already knew some of the facts: “Coconut oil has been found to help normalize blood lipids and protect against damage to the liver by alcohol and other toxins, can play a role in preventing kidney and gall bladder diseases, and is associated with improved blood sugar and insulin control.”

Coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. When consumed MCTs raise blood ketones and are absorb as energy much quicker than other oils or fats proving to be a more efficient source of fuel than glucose, teh brain’s normal “go-to” energy source. Augmented blood ketones have been shown to boost brain function and may prove helpful in fighting Alzheimers. In a 2004 study, researchers discovered that “elevation of plasma ketone body levels through an oral dose of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) may improve cognitive functioning in older adults with memory disorders.”

Speaking of “oral doses,” my investigation into the oily depths of the coconut led me to new claims about the health benefits of adding coconut oil to one’s coffee.

Continue reading I’m convinced – Coconut Oil Coffee BioHack Works

Facebook Likes Future of Solar Wifi Drones

facebook-droneFacebook’s future status may be in the sky.

The social media giant unveiled plans today to test solar-powered drones that could potentially connect the whole world with Internet service.

“Our intention is not to be an operator” Facebook’s VP of engineering Jay Parikh said at a press conference in Menlo Park. “We’re not going to be ‘Facebook ISP.’”


Sleep Researchers Hack Into Nature’s Alarm Clock

circadian-clock-mechanism-publicWhy are some of us able to pop up with no problem at sunrise while others grudgingly give in to the snooze button’s tinny tyranny? The answer may be as basic as two simple elements: potassium and sodium.

Researchers at Northwestern University have discovered that the biological clock that wakes up and puts us to sleep may resemble a light switch controlled by sodium and potassium channels within our neurons.

The research team found that “high sodium channel activity in these neurons during the day turn the cells on and ultimately awaken an animal, and high potassium channel activity at night turn them off, allowing the animal to sleep.”

The payoff?

Better understanding of this mechanism could lead to new drug targets to address sleep-wake trouble related to jet lag, shift work and other clock-induced problems. Eventually, it might be possible to reset a person’s internal clock to suit his or her situation.

Via Neuroscience News

I think therefore….I may be a machine? Or not?

(By Jason Reagan)

Writer Alison E. Berman makes a solid debut with her post at why-debating-machine-consciousness-matters-1-1000x400Singularity Hub today.  In her analysis of Ray Kurzweil’s recent musings, Alison poses the question “Are You a Thinking Thing? Why Debating Machine Consciousness Matters.”

Specifically, Berman posits:

Continue reading I think therefore….I may be a machine? Or not?

NASA to Deploy Planet Prospecting Drones

(By Jason Reagan via DroneLife)

NASA-Drone_DroneLifeIf you think having a package delivered to your doorstep by an Amazon drone is amazing, how about a drone that can prospect asteroid or even Mars?

That’s the vision of the Swamp Works lab at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. A team of engineers is developing a robotic drone that will be able to fly across the oxygen-thin surface of Mars or the airless environs of an asteroid, will be tasked with gathering samples from areas inaccessible to rolling vehicles like rovers.

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Friday Roundup: Solyent, Simulations and Sculpting Robots

A quick peek at what’s happening in the universe of Futurism, Transhumanism and Human Progress this week:

Soylent-2 @Fighting Aging: Researchers talk openly about the prospects for treating aging, reversing dysfunction, and extending life. 
@SeriousWonder: Transhumanist communities help feed indigenous community in Philippines.
@H+ Magazine: Are we living in a simulation? A look at AXI Theory for Universal Intelligence
@KurzweilAI: Paralyzed man walks, thanks to pioneering cell transplanation
@ SingularityHub: Machine Sculpts designs from a solid block of material like “some kind of robotic Leonardo Da Vinci.”
@WorldTransformed: Author Keith Wiley discuss his book: A Taxonomy and Metaphysics of Mind Uploading on the World Transformed podcast

If you have a favorite longevity, Singularitarian or Transhumanist website you want to see featured in TransHumaniac’s Friday Roundup, contact me via Twitter @JasonPReagan. Cheers!

Reagan_Jason_Fall2014_300Jason Reagan (@JasonPReagan) is the creator of TransHumaniac, a newbie futurist, tech writer, communications specialist and optimist. He also blogs for (@DroneLife).

3 Drones for Tech Enthusiasts

(By Jason Reagan via DroneLife)

geminiRanging in price and sophistication – beginner/under $200 to advanced/over $1,000 – there’s a drone for just about anyone. If you’re not a beginner and know your Drone Definitions, or you are a natural tinkerer searching for a new project, you may be looking for a UAV with more muscle – something that appeals to your Inner Geek. Here are three drones specifically made for the tech savvy, high-end buyer.

Continue reading 3 Drones for Tech Enthusiasts

Finding the perfect Drone for Xmas

(By Jason Reagan via DroneLife)

SANTAExperts predict overall holiday retail sales in 2014 to exceed $615 billion– much of which will comprise children’s gifts. And, considering recent reports on the growth of the commercial drone market, it seems retailers can expect to see consumer UAV sales soar into the stratosphere.

With an increasing number of kid-friendly UAVs on the market, you may ask “How can I find the perfect drone for the hard-to-please youngster on my list?”

Have no fear, anxious shopper.

With DRONELIFE’S easy-to-navigate Drone Buying Guide, we can help you win “Gift Giver of the Century” status in the eyes of even the toughest young critic.

Continue reading Finding the perfect Drone for Xmas

5 Things Parents Should Know BEFORE Buying Drones for Kids

(By Jason Reagan via DroneLife)

droneprivacy169It’s almost November. You’ve heard drones are the next big gadget gift and have decided this is the year to put a UAV under the Christmas tree for your child.

Before you hit the “Proceed to Checkout” button, here are some tips parents should know before you buy a drone for your kids.

Continue reading 5 Things Parents Should Know BEFORE Buying Drones for Kids

Fleet Feet=Neat Brain Feats

runningmanNeuroscientists have known for a while that regular exercise builds brain power.  Now, researchers at Cambridge University believe they may know the reason — exercises like running actually promote the growth of new brain cells.

The Guardian reports:

“[In the Cambridge experiments] a few days of running led to the growth of hundreds of thousands of new brain cells that improved the ability to recall memories without confusing them, a skill that is crucial for learning and other cognitive tasks, researchers said.”

Continue reading Fleet Feet=Neat Brain Feats